Fall into A.T.!
"After attending an introductory session to learn about "OneNote", I am truly inspired by the opportunities that his program can provide to Special Education Students, to enhance their learning. Assistive Technology, Smart Ideas, Read and Write Gold 10, Adobe Pro and Student Share have become an integral part of 21st Century Learning in my classroom and we can now add 'OneNote' to our learning toolbox. My students can throw away their binders and use their digital devices to access and organize information. Eventually, we may be able to move forward to a 'paperless classroom'.
- Miriam Taylor, Tecumseh Senior Public School, 7/8 Behaviour ISP
In software training, three new workshops and popular S.E.A. & O.S.A.P.A.C. (Ontario Software Acquisition Program Advisory Council) Ministry-licensed software session are back for TDSB staff to learn assistive technology this fall. Among the new courses involves Microsoft OneNote - a digital binder programme that helps the user organize material (documents, images, and recordings) all in one place.
The other new courses are concentrated on the peripherals used with the Promethean Interactive whiteboard - ActiView document camera and the ActivExpressions (Learner Response Systems).Sessions fill up quickly so don't forget to sign up on Key to Learn.
Read more about some of the Fall software sessions below:
Curriculum P.D.
For more experienced users of assistive technology software such as Read and Write Gold and Promethean ActiveInspire, the A.T. team also has a number of curriculum or exceptionality linked sessions. Increasing Student Engagement and Differentiating Instruction in your Literacy Program, Making Math Mathemagical: Using the Interactive Whiteboard to differentiate Instruction and Support Student Learning in Your Math Program, and Using the Read and Write Gold Picture Dictionary Tool to Create Visual Supports for Student Learning are new, among the many curriculum PD sessions offered.
The TDSB A.T. training centres can be found on the interactive maps below:
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Terraview Learning Centre, 1641 Pharmacy Ave. (East) | Burnhamthorpe Adult Learning Centre, 500 The East Mall (West) |