TDSB's AT team growsHappy September! Another school year has begun. With a fresh start, the Assistive Technology team is pleased to introduce three new itinerant teachers to the AT team. All will be sharing duties in the west region of the TDSB including leading SEA claim interactive whiteboard Learning Communities this year at Burnhamthorpe Learning Centre.
Ms. C Mathura, Ms. A. Statton, and Ms. L. Mast join the AT Team. |
A few wordsMs Mathura:I have primary, junior and intermediate teaching experience working with students with a variety of exceptionalities including DD, LD, and most specifically, ASD. I have worked as both a classroom teacher, as well as an ABA and IBI therapist and have experience hosting a TDSB demonstration classroom.
I am a passionate advocate for equitable educational practices and look forward to continuing to create positive and collaborative relationships with the staff and students I work with.
My other interests include; yoga, reading, activism and spending time with family and friends.
Ms. Statton:I am so excited to be a part of the SEA team!
I am a former LD, MART, HSP and classroom teacher. I have also hosted Demonstration Classrooms in conjunction with the Math Department and Special Education Department.
I am always trying to find new ways to engage my students. Using assistive technology allowed each of my students to become more independent and engaged learners. It is inspiring to see once quiet and apprehensive students becoming more confident in their abilities and helping their peers use the technology.
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” -- Mahatma Gandhi
Ms. Mast:
I am a former Reading Recovery, MART and HSP Teacher. More recently I was on secondment to Bloorview School Authority as teacher-librarian. Due to the diverse cognitive and physical needs of the students, technology became a large part of my literacy and media program. Helping students use assistive technology to access the curriculum and find a way to communicate is a very rewarding experience. The smile on a student’s face can be inspiring!
When I am not teaching you might find me taking photos, exploring Northern Ontario, fidgeting with a new Apple device, reading or spending time with friends and family.
One of my favourite quotes is:
“Our lives are not determined by what happened to us, but how we react to what happens, not by what life brings us but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results.” ~Unknown
LC SEA Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) group claim support
There are 24 new Interactive Whiteboard Learning Communities this year. Each community will be meeting three times during the year at their nearest Learning Centre – either Terraview (East) or Burnhamthorpe (West). Learning Communities are organized both by geographical region and by student exceptionality. The teacher attached to each classroom which received a SEA Interactive Whiteboard claim is part of his/her own Learning Community.
AT software training Our AT technicians offers training on Interactive Whiteboards (introductory and advanced) as well as a variety of Assistive Technology software throughout the year at Terraview Learnng Centre (TLC) and Burnhamthorpe Learning Centre (hosted in Burnhamthorpe Collegiate Institute, BCI). Check
Key to Learn (sign-in required) often to see which courses are currently offered to TDSB staff and to remind you of our centre locations please
click here.
Building capacity and collaboration via AT ReferralsThe AT continues to support the model of Job Embedded Professional Learning in our AT referral process. The team supports Special Education teachers in schools. Our role is to collaborate with teachers to incorporate assistive technology in teaching and learning activities in the classroom and to build capacity among staff to share excellent practices.
To download the form, scroll down on
this page of the internal TDSB site.