Monday, December 19, 2011

Holiday activity with the IWB at John G. Diefenbaker Open House.

Celebrating the holidays the Interactive Tech Way!
Every year at this time, John G Diefenbaker P.S. has a Holiday Open House instead of a traditional seasonal concert. During the open house, each classroom has a craft, activity or performance for parents and students to participate in. This year, one of the members of our Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) community decided to share the use of the Interactive Whiteboard with visitors

Ms. McGimpsey leads some students and a parent in exploring the Word Guess activity.

The MID (Ms. Binksma) and HSP (Ms. McGimpsey) teachers paired up to introduce parents to the Interactive Whiteboard. With the help of the AT itinerant teacher, the teachers created a holiday/winter themed activity in SMART Notebook, which students and parents were invited to get some hands-on time using the IWB. From the Winter-themed home page, students and parents could link out to division-specific activities.
Students used word-based interactive flash teacher-created pages. Each page had built-in instant feedback.

The activity was a great success and parents loved seeing how interactive the Smart Board was!

Anagram word play. Fun!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

iPad project shared at Ontario Council for Exceptional Children

iPad pilot presentation at OCEC December 3
On December 3, Special Education Department area Coordinators Angela Scarano-Iuorio (Assistive Technology) and Jan Fukumoto (Autism Spectrum Disorder), co-presented at the Toronto Hilton at the 55th Annual Provincial Special Education Conference for the Ontario Council for Exceptional Children (OCEC).

The TDSB group presented the details of last year’s iPad pilot project. Eight schools participated in the project last year. The teachers, who ranged from first-year to experienced in the classroom, introduced and incorporated iPad use in their specific Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) classrooms (primary through intermediate grade students). Each teacher focused on iPad use for individual or group(s) of students, in a variety of ways. Some examples included: academic (reading comprehension and decoding), socio-emotional (social interaction, classroom integration, task completion and motivation) or using a specific app as an alternative communication device.

Teachers documented their journey by creating specific, measurable SMART goals for their student(s). They collected and analyzed data, in order to create final summaries for their part in the iPad in ASD classrooms project. The results were shared at a culminating celebration/presentation at the Board office last June. Each teacher presented her/his specific journey, sharing data and video snippets on in-class student-teacher-iPad interaction with invitees and members of the TDSB’s Special Education Department.

The OCEC two-day conference focused on ways to support learning and achievement of exceptional children in topics which included assistive technology, practices which are evidence-based as well as instructional resources.

Earlier in the week, Angela Scarano-Iuorio (Assistive Technology Coordinator) and Jan Fukumoto (Autism Spectrum Disorder Coordinator) together with several teachers from the original iPad pilot, co-presented the 2010-2011 iPad project results and findings at Beverly Public School.  Beverly students - specifically those with communication disorders - used iPads last year as part of phase two of a research project done in collaboration with the University of Toronto called:Touch Technologies in the Classroom.

Related web links:
See the website: for more information about the Council for Exceptional Children. To see the original iPad project Prezi presentation shared last June, see the blog link here: iPads in ASD classrooms.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Learning Communities snapshot - Pineway P.S. - Using IWB in HSP classrooms

Learning Communities: Student Hands-on learning
An example at Pineway Public School
by: K. Noer
Pineway Public School

Recently, my HSP junior class received a Promethean Interactive White Board (IWB).  I had never used one before but was very eager to integrate it into my program.  Even after only a month in my classroom, it became an invaluable tool. 

The students are very motivated to participate in lessons involving the board.  The students actively contribute to shared writing tasks and enjoy group editing and revising.  I am also using Read and Write Gold with the IWB during our shared writing so my students will become more competent using this program during independent writing.  

While working with my younger resource students, the key words from their guided reading are incorporated into fun, simple activities such as saying the word and moving it as quickly as possible into a box. 
In math, we are focusing on patterning so the malleable hundreds charts has really helped engage my students. They also happily volunteer to write their own patterns on the IWB which their peers solve. There are many IWB educational activities that I have downloaded that the students really enjoy.
I thoroughly enjoy the fact that I can save lessons then manipulate them the next day.  Another benefit is collectively generating printable study notes.  This really helps the students who have difficulty copying from the board and allows the students to participate in the discussion rather than struggling to record information. 

Since receiving the IWB in September, it has become an integral part of my planning and we use it every day.  My goal this year is to ensure that the majority of the time my students are actively engaged with the IWB and it is not just supporting my “teacher directed lessons”.  I also hope to become more proficient using it and aware of the extensive capabilities and accompanying resources available.
Written expression:
Strategy: Guided writing through the editing process. The student uses the highlighting and pen tools as the teacher guides the lesson on text features of a student writing sample.
Listen to the part of the writing process as Ms. Noer and her student co-edit a document / procedural writing: How to make a Peanut Butter sandwich.

The annotated page: How to Make a Peanut Butter sandwich.

Monday, November 28, 2011

SEA IWB Learning Communities - sessions at BCI (West) and Terraview LC (East)

SEA Interactive Whiteboard Learning Communities
Learning Community sessions
Interactive Whiteboard Learning Community sessions are one way that the SEA department supports teachers who have SEA group claim Interactive Whiteboards in similar Special Education Classrooms.
The title of the first of four sessions was called: Getting Started. At these sessions there was a model literacy lesson (persuasive writing) followed by teacher work time.
(Left) Creating an attendance page. 

(Right) Building an interactive (SMART) language lesson.

Community partnerships
Learning Communities provide the opportunity for teachers to plan, find resources and create materials in a supportive and collaborative environment. Teachers team up with one another, SEA Department staff and presenters. 
 Creating a math lesson using Active Inspire (Promethean) software with one of our presenters. 
December brings the second Learning Community session: Document Camera and Multimedia.

A document camera (also known as a visual presenter) is a versatile tool that allows teachers to, for example, project and film live demonstrations, project and annotate a text, and grab students attention by zooming in on the details of an artifact. 

Strategy: Visual information (Document camera): Teachers can visually share information with students that might otherwise be inaccessible to a large group. eg. shared/modelled cross-curricular tasks.
Students can demonstrate and present their thinking and problem solving solutions in all subject areas.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Learning Communities - in-class IWB lesson at Thorncliffe Park

SEA Interactive Whiteboard Learning Community in-class sessions

Today, a group of HSP teachers from NE5 and NE6 family of schools gathered at Thorncliffe Park Public School to visit and observe an IWB Patterning math lesson. This was one of a number Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) SEA group claim Learning Community in-class sessions being held across the TDSB.  The in-class session is one way that the SEA department supports networking opportunities for teachers, who have similar Special education Classrooms.

Today's SEA in-class session in three steps:

1. Session 1: Co-planning
The Host teacher works with the Itinerant teacher to co-plan a lesson using features of the IWB to differentiate for the needs of her particular group of students. The lesson was designed to have students as active participants in the lesson. They could manipulate objects, use an interactive 100s chart, and use tools to their process and thinking. A whole group lesson was followed by an individual component - students using the IWB as an centre, to rotate through and complete individual work. 

 Session two: Observation session 
2. The visiting teachers attend the Host classroom to observe the classroom lesson.

3. Sharing and reflection. The Host and Observers discuss the lesson itself, both the pedagogy behind its design, as well as technical aspects. They also share their individual journeys using the IWB in their classrooms along with resources and web links. 

Reflection is an important aspect of the in-class process as each person is given time and opportunity to connect learning and discovery to his/her own classroom and groups of students.

IWB (a tool for differentiated instruction)

Strategy: Auditory support: During the co-planning with the itinerant the Host teacher recorded and embedded her voice file reading each question out loud. Those students, who require auditory support, could play and replay the math question they have been asked to complete. 

Along with four half-day Learning Community sessions hosted at Terraview Learning Centre (East) and Burnhamthorpe C.I. (West) throughout the year, each of the 21 groups may take part in in-classroom professional learning opportunities - following the Job Embedded Professional Learning Model. Both Hosts and Observers participate on a voluntary basis.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

RWG Flash - Canada and World Connections - Local Communities

Here is the latest Read and Write Gold flash: Canada and World Connections - Local Communities. Click here for the link.
In this lesson, students perform research by gathering, categorizing and interpreting information that they find on the web. The Read and Write Gold Fact Mapper feature helps students to organize information about different community workers. They highlight information and collect highlights for use in Microsoft Word.

SEA department resources and TDSB take home licenses
Read and Write Gold home use information has been updated on the internal TDSB web page. Visit the home page via this link: TDSB only to find out more information about student home use of RWG.

Interactive Whiteboard (IWB)
Along with the software home use information, our SEA department TDSB web site has been updated with more information regarding Interactive Whiteboard resources. This year our SEA IWB group claims have generated 21 Learning Communities. Teachers may have a Promethean or SMART IWB in their classes. Our curriculum-linked Learning Communities are organized based on classroom exceptionalities.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

SEA IWB Learning Communities - snapshot 1

SEA Interactive Whiteboard Learning Communities
Growth this year
Last year, the SEA department installed close to 100 Interactive White Boards (IWB) into various Special Education classes. This year, the SEA department is supporting 21 Learning Communities across the Toronto District School Board (TDSB). These Learning Communities are curriculum-linked sessions and teachers are grouped according to the exceptionality they teach. Teachers share and learn how the IWB can be used to help support the curriculum and apply to their own students’ learning.

Getting Started
At our first LC – Getting Started – teachers were shown a range of ways to engage students and get them to think critically via a modeled lesson. They were also provided with work time to put into practice what they learned.
Teachers designed lessons to use in their classrooms, dialogued with other teachers, and became more comfortable with the technology. Below are two one-page examples created by LC teachers: (Left) SMART DPA page, (right), Promethean What do we wear?

Building Capacity and Community
In between our LCs, teachers have an opportunity to become a Host teacher or visit a Host classroom in order to observe a lesson and share the use of the IWB. Afterwards, the Host and Observers, have time to reflect, discuss and debrief the IWB lesson.

Next LC session
Our next LCs will be held in December and will focus on the Document Camera and the Promethean Slate/Smart Board Tablet and their uses in the classroom to provide visual resources. Stay tuned for a future entry with more info about this session.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

RWG Flash - Canada and World Connections - Communities

In this Read and Write Gold flash (RWG flash) students gather, categorize and interpret information as they research a specific community. The example lesson involves the country of South Africa. Once students select a region, they go through steps of the research process using features of the Read and Write Gold programme  such as the Fact Finder, Highlights and the Fact Mapper.
This curriculum lesson addresses expectations in both the Language and Social Studies subject areas.

Here is the link to the RWG flash lesson: Communities

To access past RWG flashes posted to this blog, click key phrases on our label cloud or scroll down on the main page to find the RWG label.

Upcoming Read and Write Gold training in schools
The SEA department continues to support Read and Write Gold in schools this year.
Administrators, who have not yet used their five hours of training provided by the Assistive Technology Department, can sign up on Key to Learn for the following training sessions:

Monday November 21 
Read and Write Gold Information Meeting 
Administrator or school representative 
Monday  January 30 
Read and Write Gold Information Meeting 
Administrator or school representative 
Terraview Learning Centre 

Key to Learn training sessions posted 
Last week our blog outlined a recent Assistive technology curriculum-linked session: Math problem solving, the three-part lesson and special education students . Now, the Assistive Technology department has posted training for TDSB teachers on Key to Learn. Ten different sessions offer training for SEA claim and OSAPAC licensed software. Also available are Promethean and SMART Interactive Whiteboard training at the beginning and next steps levels. Each session is being offered a number of times during the months of November and December at both the Terraview (East) and Burnhamthorpe (West) training centres. Spaces are limited. Look under the Professional Growth category and SSV-SPED Section department for specific details.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Reflection: SEA, UDL and Curriculum-linked PD

Reflections on Assistive Technology Curriculum PD
Focus:  Three-Part Math Lesson on an Interactive Whiteboard

On October the 18th, the SEA team (which is part of Special Education and Section Programs) hosted a curriculum-linked professional development session at Burnhamthorpe Adult Learning Centre/ BCI - The East Mall.

Math problem solving, the three-part lesson and special education students
SEA AT curriculum sessions, like this one, have a different focus than software training. This PD was very much a “next steps” session focused on how the various tools can be used to differentiate a math lesson. For example, throughout the session, any feature or tool of the IWB demonstrated was presented in terms of accommodations - how it would help meet learner needs and appeal to learner strengths (as opposed to simply how the tool works).  The department supports the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) model. This Curriculum PD involved using the Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) as a tool for Making Math Accessible within the framework of the three-part lesson.

What challenges do our students face in mathematics? (What problem are we trying to solve?)

Minds On!

In keeping with the interactive nature of our tool, our session had many built-in opportunities for each of the participants to get up and interact with the materials on the board.  An example that was shared included the various ways of recording student responses and problem solving, building student independence, choice and using auditory, visual and kinesthetic ways dependending on their learning style and preferences.
There was also built in planning time during which each participant used software to develop and save materials to take back to his or her school.
Connection, Reflection and Consolodation!
A teacher, student or group of students can make use of the IWB technology in one, two or all three parts during math problem solving. IWBs can be used as both student and teacher tools of creation and presentation.  We look forward to running this session, along with other Assistive Technology curriculum linked sessions, again in January.

Check on Key to Learning for the latest training sessions available.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

RWG Flash - Heritage and Citizenship - research skills

This Read and Write Gold Flash is an example of a lesson using the Research tools of the programme. This lesson includes: internet research skills using the Fact Folder as well as selecting relevant information from various sources using the Highlight toolbar. Although this particular lesson is grade 3 - Pioneer Life, it can be adapted to suit any grade level needs.

For the document click the following words: Research skills

Coincidently, the SEA team hosted two curriculum-linked professional development sessions today at Burnamthorpe Adult Learning Centre/ BCI - The East Mall. In the morning participants explored the Interactive Whiteboard and it's use in Differentiated Instruction, Math and the three-part lesson. In the afternoon a session on: Using Read and Write Gold to support the Research Process, was held.

The PD marks the close of our Fall curriculum sessions. Look out for our Winter sessions to be posted on Key to Learn. Other informaton about Assistive Technology software, home use, as well as other pertinent forms are located on our Board's intraweb under: Special Education -->SEA Information and forms.

Monday, October 10, 2011

RWG Flash - Junior Language Arts lesson - more Curriculum PD by the SEA department

Here is another Read and Write Gold flash brought to you by the Assistive Technology SEA department.

Click on the title or Flash icon to access this week's Flash is a curriculum lesson which ties the assistive technology capabilities of Read and Write Gold to a Junior Language Arts lesson: Persuasive writing and Speech Arts.

More Curriculum P.D. offered by the SEA department
Another set of Read and Write Gold curriculum P.D. will be offered by the SEA department in October.
Tomorrow morning there is a session in the East at Terraview Learning Centre: Using Read and Write Gold to Support the Research Process. The SEA department offers the same session in the West at the Burnanthorpe CI - East Mall (Burnanthorpe Adult Learning Centre) next Tuesday, Oct. 18 in the afternoon.

Other Curriculum P.D. to be offered tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday, Oct. 12) at Terraview Learning Centre is: Using the SMART Board to meet the needs of Special Education students.

Next week, Differentiating Math Instruction in the Special Education Class Using the Interactive Whiteboard is offered on Tuesday (Oct. 18) in the morning at Burnanthorpe CI - East Mall.

Just a reminder that if you attending this sessions, no coverage is provided by the AT/SEA department.

Training Session also available
The above sessions are uses of assistive technology and lesson integration and not training sessions about how to use the particular Read and Write Gold software or specific Interactive Whiteboard.
Keep looking at Key to Learn to see the many training courses offered by the AT/SEA department at both Terraview LC and Burnanthorpe CI-East Mall throughout the month.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Updates Curriculum PD and The Director's Series

This afternoon the assistive technology team participated in the first of a number of The Director's Series - Special Education at Spirales Banquet Hall. Close to 200 educators gathered in Don Mills to discuss Special Education.  All secondary school teams were requested to send a school team consisting of:
one Administrator, a Curriculum Leader /Associate Curriculum Leader (CL/ACL) of Special Education; and one academic or applied subject teacher.

The theme Know Your Learner - Let's Make A Difference had participants visit the Assistive Technology and MI Lead booths prior to a panel discussion. The AT team shared information related to the department's Read and Write Gold support and implementation in schools.
Along with answering questions about Read and Write Gold, the team showed videos from the blog "Read and Write Gold - top 10 things you should know", provided Top 10 Things and In-School Training Handouts. The itinerant teacher team also set up three mini-demo areas to highlight the writing, research and study skill features of Read and Write Gold software - with a secondary focus.
Sharing the Fact Folder function of Read and Write Gold.

End of September Curriculum P.D.
Last week, educators from across the Board participated in the first of a number of half-day curriculum P.D. sessions:
Supporting Literacy Development Using Read and Write Gold with the SMART Board and Using the SMART Board to meet the needs of Special Education students.
 Terraview Learning Centre and Burnhamthorpe Learning Centre are not only the sites of Curriculum Professional Development, but also training sessions - on software and hardware use, as well as Learning Community meeting places for teachers who receive the SEA group claim Interactive Whiteboards.

Monday, September 26, 2011

RWG Flash - Sept. 26 Grade 7 & 8 lesson

The SEA Assistive Technology team provides professional learning opportunities in the form of Learning Communities and Job Embedded Professional Learning (individual class and whole school models). We support teaching and learning by working closely with teachers in partnership so lessons are constructed with assistive technology strategies in mind.

One of the programs we support is Read and Write Gold in schools.

Here is the first of a series of  Read and Write Gold flash lessons that we would like to share with you.

The AT team's continues to develop a collection of RWG lessons that have been constructed to connect specific grade level and subject area expectations of the Ontario Curriculum. The RWG flash also directly suggests ways to make curriculum connections using the Read and Write Gold program to enhance student learning and achievement.

We will periodically post a RWG flash to share with the Assistive Technology community.

This specific lesson is: Point of View and Podcasting - Grade 7 & 8 Language. Overall and specific expectations have been outlined in the lesson. Feel free to adapt and change to suit the grade level and expectations that addresses your classroom's needs. Our lessons are creative commons (non-commercial, attribution) - free to share and reuse for non-commercial use, with attribution to the AT SEA department at TDSB.

Click the above icon or the following text: RWG flash grade 7 & 8

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Read and Write Gold for TDSB schools

On-site training for Read and Write Gold software will continue to be available to schools that have not completed their training.  

Click here to view the flyer to learn how to access 5 hours of free in-school training for students and staff at your school.
Note: Read and Write Gold 9 (P.C. version) supported in schools.

Study skills/highlighter tool
Homophone checker

Monday, September 12, 2011

Hello from the two newest members of the SEA team

Hello from the two newest Itinerant SEA Teachers:

We are both looking forward to be part of a dynamic team, working with our Interactive Whiteboard Learning Communities, and providing support in schools throughout our diverse Board. We come from different backgrounds but we both have a passion for weaving assistive technology into our teaching and look forward to resource for our colleagues.

Itinerant East:
I have experience teaching in every panel. I am a former MART, Resource, HSP, classroom and high school teacher. I also ran the language lab and a demonstration classroom.

Two of my favourite quotes are:

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

“Ignore and ignorance come from the same root.” ~Katherine Erskine

When I’m not teaching you can find me running, reading or spending time with my family.

Itinerant West:
I have experience at the elementary, middle and high school level. I am a former MART, Resource, HSP, LD, ESL, homeroom and computer teacher.

19 years into this career I love teaching more than ever -- especially teaching reading! I love using assistive technology to help children who are struggling with reading so that they can access all the wonderful books and texts that their peers enjoy!

My other loves are family time, animals, enjoying the outdoors, books, swimming and walking.

One of my favourite quotes is:
"No one can do everything, but everyone can do something!" (author unknown).

This poem by Forest Witcraft has always helped me to keep my focus on what matters most:
One hundred years from now
It won't matter
What kind of car I drove
What kind of house I lived in
How much money I had in the bank
Nor what my cloths looked like
The world may be a little better
Because, I was important
In the life of a child.

Itinerant Central:
It's exciting to continue in the SEA department. I joined the team mid-way through last year. I share a similar educational background and experience as my colleagues. We are a solid, enthusiastic and energized group.

When I'm not thinking about student learning, social media, Science and on-line learning, I'm an avid volunteer, photographer and reader (a mix of non-fiction and fiction). I've travelled extensively and enjoy exploring locally and internationally.

A favourite quote:
 “It's not what we eat but what we digest that makes us strong; not what we gain but what we save that makes us rich; not what we read but what we remember that makes us learned; and not what we profess but what we practice that gives us integrity.” - Francis Bacon

A website I enjoy is from the United Nations World Food Programme:
Free Rice

Interactive Whiteboard Learning Communities (IWB LC)

There are 20 new Interactive Whiteboard Learning Communities this year. Each community will be meeting four times during the year at their nearest Learning Centre – either Terraview (East) or Burnhamthorpe (West). (Our department also offers training on a variety of software at the Centres. To remind you of their locations please click here.)

Interactive Whiteboard Learning Communities (IWB LC)
Between each Learning Community session, we are also excited about LC teachers participating in the In-Class sessions this year. We invite teachers from our Learning Communities to volunteer as the Learning Community Host (LC Host) for a session. The LC Host will co-plan and co-teach a lesson with an itinerant SEA teacher with his/her own class. Other members of the LC observe the lesson, which showcases ways to accomodate for their students and to imbed differentiated instruction strategies using the IWB, that was learned in the previous Learning Community session. Following the modeled lesson, the itinerant, LC Host and LC Observers debrief, discuss and reflect on the day's lesson.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Summer reflection - Boys Literacy page -- using Glogster

Over the summer a reflection was created to illustrate the Boys' Literacy project. It was created using the program Glogster.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

iPad presentation - teacher presentations

Each teacher presented a story about iPad use. The audio is  taken from the June 17 TDSB presentation of the 2010-2011 iPad in Asperger Spectrum Disorder classrooms. Data packages were also presented.

 See Prezi link for the outline of the project (previous post).

Earl Grey SPS

Buchanan P.S.

Finch P.S.

Cedarvale P.S.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

SLP in KELI classrooms sharing - June 10, 2011 - part 2

Part 2: Another set of KELI SLPs share their team's use of the Interactive Whiteboard: Fairmount JPS, Golf Road P.S. and Warren Park P.S.

Final part 3: KELI SLPs present: Westmount P.S. and Yorkwoods P.S.

Reflections - Celebration by Speech-Language Pathology dept. - KELI SLPs

Part of the June 10th, year-end meeting by the Speech-Language Pathology department included Kindergarten Early Language Intervention (KELI) SLPs sharing one example of their use of the Interactive Whiteboard in curriculum planning to support language development.

On hand to facilitate the sharing were Speech-Language Pathology Special Education Chiefs, David Haffner (East) and Sharon McWhirter (West).

There are 10 KELI sites across the TDSB. The following video contains examples from eight of the participant schools.

Here is a video - divided into three-parts - of their sharing.
Part 1: Baycrest P.S., Blake P.S. and Dovercourt P.S.

Click to view Part 2: Part 2
Click to view Part 3: Part 3

The AT team was also on hand to share literacy strategies for later language learners using the interactive whiteboard. Some examples given included: activate background knowledge and learn new vocabulary , sequencing, retelling and summarizing skills, as well as phonological and phonemic awareness.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

iPad in ASD Classrooms - Celebrations year-end presentation. June 17

This is a Prezi-style presentation of the outline of the celebrations presentation held at the TDSB Boardroom on the morning of June 17th. Before each video each teacher presented a story about the iPad and a student.

Audio will be added next week.

Please wait for the Prezi to load and then navigate forwards and backwards. For full screen, click on the bottom right hand corner.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

iPad in ASD Classrooms - QR code (scan for link)

You may have seen these two-dimensional (2D) designs around. These are called quick read codes (QR codes in short). A QR code contains a wide variety of information. The one below is the direct link to the home page of the iPad in ASD classrooms pilot project link. 

All you need is a bar code/QR code reader and your phone.
After the code is scanned by your camera on the phone (four points are read and interpreted), you will have the direct link to save to your phone. Or, you can share the link by e-mail.

Informative and fun! 

(We have a variety of QR codes on our blog. Did you see them? 
We'll be adding more as the blog develops.

post list