Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Forest Hill main page

The Boys' Project at Forest Hill Public School developed from a referral to the AT team.  The project will include two grade 7 gifted classes and two grade 8 core classes, with a total of 100 students involved.  Each class will devote two - to - three periods per week to the project.

Please click on the dates to read the weekly updates.

Unit Theme: Famous Canadians Throughout the Ages

Session 1: (April 25 - May 2 update)

Session 2: (May 5 - May 9 update)

Session 3: (May 12 - 13 update)

Session 4: (May 16 - 24 update)

Session 5: (May 30 - 31 update)

Session 6: (June 6-8 update)

Fisherville main page

The Three-minute spotlight
Lessons developed on topic of inquiry to be studied while introducing students to a technology they can choose to use in developing their culminating products. See a three-minute spotlight on Lester B. Pearson (click Bitstrips).
Watch the iMovie app spotlight about Avril Lavigne along with the follow-up discussion. (click iMovie app)

Louis Riel: Hero or Traitor?
The following video describes an activity that students participated in to access resources on the iPod and use video and recording functions of the iPod for the first time.

The project rubric
Click lesson summary photoblog of:

Using Assistive Technology students can:

Click on the photo to
view how students discussion
helped to develop criteria for
the final project.


Students discuss various ways they used
technology to research their famous Canadian.


Click on the photo (right) to view
a short slideshow of students organizing
their research.

Select and Edit  



How are you feeling? C.E. Webster

Students use an iPad application that connects visual cues with feelings. Short animations show what it means to be "happy" or "sleepy." Students may discuss with their teacher more details, explaining their feelings of the day.

Days at school, C.E. Webster

Matching concrete to abstract in number concepts.

iPad in autism classes school home page

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

KELI and IWB Sequencing and Guess and Check

Kindergarten Early Literacy Intervention

IWB and KELI lessons
Co-planning IWB 1.
Co-planning IWB 2.
Guided reading
Sequencing / Guess and Check

coplan pic2guided read picsequencing pic
Reflecting on KELI & IWB
Reflecting "Surprises"
Reflecting "Using the slate"
Reflecting "Group sharing"
Reflecting "Professional Learning Communities"
suprise picslate picgroup picPLC pic

Monday, April 18, 2011

Creating a project - using iPod touch and iMovie app

Creating the project
Watch the process of a student as he synthesizes resources he has collected for his project on Hayden Christensen.  For best results, view in full size.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Special Education and Math Partnership

Professional growth and the three-part lesson

    Co-teaching partnerships

    Job Embedded Professional Learning

Special Education and Math Partnership

Click media player to hear more about the goals of this project.

Working Together to Support Teacher

Teaching and Learning Goals:
  • to support teachers in the effective use of assistive technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics
  • to support teachers on how to use an interactive whiteboard as an accommodation tool to differentiate learning
  • to increase the implementation of high yield instructional strategies for the teaching and learning of mathematics
  • to enable collaboration between all teachers to meet the needs of students

To hear about professional growth opportunities click on the marquee below:

Kensington Community School videos

Student use of iPad: mid-term report (early April)
Community Circle

Snack Time


Math - Telling Time

Learning Communities - draft

Visual Literacy Supporting Critical Thinking (Using the IWB as a Tool)

Student Goals:
Good questioning
Accountable talk
Critical thinking

IWB Tools to Support:
Inserting Photographs (as a jpeg, using the camera tool)
Shade to reveal parts of the photograph
Magic Pen to focus on specific details in the photograph
Ladibug/Scanner to import photographs (Second Steps)
Clickers to engage all students in discussion
Info Buttons/Pull tabs as supports for teachers and to reveal information to students

The first part of the PD will be a modelled lesson on how a photograph can be used to develop critical thinking skills, incorporating different IWB tools (20 -30 minutes). The second part will be planning time for teachers (30 – 45 minutes). Sample photos, links to websites with rich photos and possible questions will be included in the Notebook file that will be given to the teachers for planning. The file is almost finished. I just need to make it prettier and add some info that Sooky is sending me.

Sooky’s schedule has changed and she is now available on our LC meeting days. She is open to attending a LC meeting in the East and in the West. I was thinking that it might be better for her to visit the East first, since I developed the modelled lesson with her. We need to think about whether we want to ask her to attend both sessions, as half of the session will be used for the sharing, survey, next steps of the LC meetings.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

iPads in ASD Classrooms - Cedarvale Community School

Unique to this school: student with violent physical self-harm, verbal outbursts

To view a video about managing transitions please click the photo (below).

For fine-motor skill development video, please click the photo below.

Here's the link to a short slideshow. Click here.

Mid-term report

iPads in Autism Classrooms - Winchester P.S.

Unique to this school: 5 of 7 students also have individual SEA computer.
The iPad has had a dramatic effect in my classroom.  I teach a class of 7 boys in Grade 6 - 8, and they are incredibly engaged by the iPad.  On mornings when the iPad is unavailable for the class, the behaviour in my class changes dramatically.   The students use the iPad to be more independent learners and to focus on positive behaviours.  We continue to explore new ways to integrate the iPad into their learning.  

Ms. D video reflections.

How a math app supports one of her student's academic and socio-emotional needs.
Ms. D discusses how students' transitions and organization are helped during this pilot project.
Ms. D and her student discuss his iPad use in integrated classes.

Winchester student discusses his use of iPad in relation to token economy and choice as a reward. Click here.
More videos speaking about how the iPad helps to increase student motivation and positive behaviour. Click here

For a short slideshow: click here.

iPads in Autism Classrooms - Shaugnessy P.S.

One student shows his
use of the iPad for "I"
messages and to access
strategies. To view three
videos of his reflections,
please click on the photo (right). 
To see two videos on how
this class uses Skype, the iPad
and more to integrate students
click on the photo.

For a short slideshow: click here.

iPads in Autism Classrooms - Hollycrest P.S.

Unique to this school: SEA group claim environment already established

iPads in Autism Classrooms - C.E. Webster JPS

Unique to this school:  no direct access to Wi-fi.

During the use of the IPad we found that it benefited all the students socially. The student who was the original focus seems to be benefitting the most, but there are also clear benefits and successes for the other students involved. 

We have noticed a positive effect in interaction, transitions, technology understanding, general interest, social skills, hygiene, teamwork, and hand-eye movement. 

Here's a link to a short slideshow: click here.Ms. D discusses the journey so far.

Click on each photo below to see a short video clip of the students in action. (So far top 3 videos added only. April 29)

Community Circle  Days at school

Community Circle  How are you feeling?

Community Circle: Today's schedule

Social skills: Social stories

Vocabulary building: Chicktionary

iPads in Autism Classrooms - Finch Public School

Unique to this school: only pilot group sharing one iPad between two primary autism classrooms

The teachers discuss sharing the iPad: click here to view the video.

To view a video showing iPad use to enhance
social skills please click on the photo.
iPad use helps students to increase interpersonal interactions and share.
View a video about how a student's use of the iPad has helped with his transitions during the day click: Transitions.

To view a short slideshow please click here.

Mid-term report

iPads in Autism Classrooms - Buchanan Public School

Unique to this school: change of participants twice

iPad for reading comprehension and decoding.

iPad as accessible math manipulative

To view a video for Buchanan iPad pilot Reading Buddies, please click on above left photo.

To view a slideshow please click here.

Mid-term report

iPads in ASD Classrooms - Kensington Community School

KCC - primary classroom
Unique to this school: primary autism diagnostic classroom, non-verbal student (apraxia) uses iPad with 
Proloquo2Go, an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) application

We are using the iPad and Proloquo2Go to give our non-verbal student a "voice." The device is portable, motivating, and engaging, and our student now uses it across all curriculum strands and in both academic and social situations. It has been so exciting to witness our student use the iPad to participate in community circle, offer a snack to her classmates, and communicate her wants and needs. Any challenges we have encountered, such as the time required by staff to program the device and record data, have all been well-worth it. We look forward to our student's continued success as she grows with the iPad, gradually becomes more independent, and learns to express herself in ways that were never before possible.  Ms. L.

Click to see a short slideshow.

Here is the link to the latest reports from Ms. L.
Click June.

April 6 videos click here
More mid-term videos here

May update:
Ms. L speaks about a new development.

More May 2 videos please click here.

In April, Ms. L discusses the midterm results.
 Audio recording of Ms. L.

It has been so amazing to watch her use the app to increase her participation during community circle. ...after just a short time of modelling and prompting, during community circle student now can independently use Proloquo2Go to speak today’s date.

She was very quick to learn how to manipulate the device and all touch-screen features (scroll, go to home page, find her favourite apps, etc.). It has proved to be very engaging, motivating, and easy for [the student] to adapt to.    Click here to visit the mid-term video page.

iPads in Autism Classrooms-Challenges (mid term report)


It has been challenging sharing the iPad between two classes. We have had to plan our daily schedules to ensure that each class was able to have time to use the iPad.  Luckily, both of us are flexible and have been able to manage. (Finch P.S.)

No Wi-Fi = ...I took the IPad home when needed to update it. (C.E. Webster J.P.S.)

Our class also faces the challenge of figuring out how to integrate an iPad into a student’s learning in a way that a desktop computer cannot.  Our class has 5 SEA claim computers in it, so many of the students already have access to technology. (Winchester P.S.)

Challenges have included the integration of the ipad into the academic realm to organize and reduce anxiety with fine motor deficits, access to work in other classes, and the ability to print on the intranet.  The fact that the ipad is unable to access the TDSB intranet and student accounts is the downfall.  (Shaugnessy P.S.)

It was extremely time-consuming to debrief and reflect on the morning with [our student] each day in order to collect data. It was also very time-consuming for all staff involved to learn how to program and best use the iPad and Proloquo2Go. (Kensington C.S.)

-high potential for 1 particular student to damage the iPad so he had to be very closely monitored and several times, iPad had to be taken to another classroom because he became fixated on breaking it. (Buchanan P.S.)

post list